Monday, September 30, 2013

Puppet pal movies

Toda We. Are. Findin. Bargrawns. On. The. Ipad. And. We. Had. Lots. Of. Fun

By Ethan

I injoyd my day because i had fun. Because of that iPad.

By Bertie and Gabriel


  1. I was so impressed with you all today class 2! You listened carefully and learned so many new skills in one lesson whilst you were making your night zookeeper animations. You did all of this:

    Search for an app
    Search for images on the Internet
    Save images
    Take photos
    Cut out images
    Learn how to make animations on the iPad

    WOW! And on top of that you all learned what the word 'myopic' means! You are superstars and I'm proud of you!

    Miss BB :-)

    1. This is such a great way for parents to really connect with what the class are doing and the photos really bring it to life. It's great that olivia is able to share her day with us in this way. Love it - well done!!

    2. Thank you! It's great to have such positive comments! Knowing that families are able to see what is happening in class makes this all very worthwhile!

  2. Olivia has been explaining to me how you can get images and take photos and then they get saved in a special folder so you can use them later. You guys are fab and I'm very impressed with how much you know about using ipads and computers. You know even more than Olivia's Grandad Brian, he doesn't even know how to turn an Ipad on. Keep up the good work class two! :-)

  3. I know what will be on the Christmas list

  4. I know what will be on the Christmas list

  5. Brilliant! Amalie taught us what myopic means! Well done class 2 sounds like you had a great time on the iPads. Continue the good work!
