Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Scutari hospital

The conditions in Scutari hospital were terrible. 
The nurses had to work very hard to clean it and make it safe for wounded soldiers,

Some of the soldiers had terrible wounds that weren't being cleaned and they were dying unnecessarily. 

It was exhausting work for the nurses and Florence was very strict. 

Read our 5 sentence challenge writing very soon.


  1. I wondered what Marley's gory story was all about. He told me you had watched a film where peoples arms & legs were chopped off and there was blood everywhere. He said NO WAY could his sister Poppy watch it as it was a 12!! haha, got to love their stories.

    1. We do love to use our imagination in Class 2! We have been nurses and soldiers this week (and one member of the class has absolutely loved being a Princess all week!!)
      I don't think Poppy would enjoy the film, but you can watch it here on the primary BBC page if you like. Be warned, there are maggots ... some of the elderly members of class 2 were much more squeamish than the children!!

  2. Olivia likes the sound of Florence Nightingale so much, she said last night she wished she could be her. We did then talk about the fact Florence wouldn't have had a fridge full of food, DVDs to watch or lovely clothes so she then decided that imagination was the best way forward and then you can be anybody you want to be.
    I wish I could be 6 again - you lot of so much fun at school!
