Monday, February 3, 2014

A mystery bag!

Mrs Martin found a mystery suitcase in the small hall and brought it in to us. We didn't know who it belonged to! Some of us thought we should open it, but others thought it might not be safe. We decided we should have a decision alley!

There were some great reasons why we should or should not open it, like

'It might be private!'

'There might be something dangerous inside!'

''There might be a name tag that will help us return it.'

At the end, the majority of us decided we should open the suitcase!

Before we did that, we thought about how the owner of the suitcase might feel. Then we wondered how the suitcase might be feeling! We had some great thoughts like

'I wish someone would open me because I haven't been opened for 100 years.'

'I have been waiting around for someone to find me.'

'I want to go back to my owner. Please help me.'

We decided that we would need protective gloves before we opened the case, just in case there was something in it that would hurt or fingers or skin.

Look what we found inside the suitcase!

A letter

Some old looking clothes

A lantern

A shawl

Some aprons

Evie thought this was a sash and showed us how to wear it 

There were some hats too.

Amalie read the letter. It was written many years ago and was from someone called Florence. We have a big mystery to solve!

1 comment:

  1. That sound very exciting. What would I have decided? Well, my reason for not opening it would have been in case there was a spider inside. My reason for opening it would have been I just love surprises!

    Florence...I learnt about a lady of that name when I was at school. I wonder if it was the same one? She was a nurse and was born in Italy. I think she was nicknamed 'The lady with the...' - nope cant think what the ending was, maybe you'll know?
