Sunday, April 27, 2014

WPIT - The Wildlife Investigation and Protection Team


The WPIT were in a spot of bother this week when they received a letter about their website. A lady was complaining that there wasn't enough information on it, even though she thought it was a lovely idea to have it. Oh dear!   
 So we quickly went to our website and had a look at it to see what she was complaining about. We felt very proud of how it looks when you first enter it - it really shows what we do at WPIT!  

  Whilst we were there we checked out our owl cam that Aiden and his team had installed in the owl box. Brenda and Boris are doing brilliantly and we got a good look at Baby Bard! One of the other eggs looks like it will hatch at any time! Unfortunately, when we looked at the nocturnal animals page of the WPIT website, we found out that the complaints were justified. There was no writing on there! Goodness me. What on Earth had happened. We asked the website team and found out that they hadn't been doing their job properly. Oh dear. Somebody might need to get the sack!
We found out that the website expert had an awful lot of problems last week. She had trouble with her computer and the internet and couldn't get on at work. She decided that she would have to finish the work at home, but didn't have time to do anything because she had to cook the tea and look after the baby. Oh dear! We had to make a big decision. Her colleagues thought about how she might be feeling and considered how unfair it would be to sack her when she had worked so hard. They decided that they should all help her to make it right.  The WPIT are very caring!

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