Monday, September 16, 2013

Archie Bear is a stowaway!

We were having a look at class 6's brand new Lakeside blog this morning and could not believe our eyes when we saw that Archie Bear had hidden away in Miss Yate's rucksack! He obviously heard how they are going on an adventure and wanted to go with them!  We were a bit worried that he might not have his toothbrush or walking boots, but we hope he has a lovely time! Holly wrote him a letter saying how we were missing him already!


  1. Did you know the name Archie means 'brave and bold'?! Perhaps that's why he decided to sneak into Miss Yates' rucksack?! We hope he has fun and returns safely back to class 2!

    Love Amalie and her sister Perdie

  2. How clever to find that out Amalie and Perdie! He certainly is a brave and bold bear - look at the adventures he is having!
